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School age success

Children who fall behind early in their education have a very difficult time catching up. By third grade, making the transition from "learning to read" to "reading to learn" is critical for success in all academic subjects. Research has shown at this age, some students who struggle with reading give up, with the belief that they will never catch up in school.


In our community, more than half of our local students are not meeting third-grade reading benchmarks. Librarians from Multnomah County Library partner with teachers to help students learn to read fluently and love learning. In some of our public schools, where more than three-quarters of children are growing up in poverty, librarians work intensively with teachers to engage children and their families in reading, learning, and all the library has to offer. Their goal, quite simply, is to make reading fun.


For a struggling reader, the breakthrough often comes with a single book — one that lights a fire for reading in even the most reluctant reader. Students read more, understand more, and are more likely to continue reading when they enjoy it. Librarians are experts in helping children do just that. They also help teachers find engaging books that fit today's curriculum requirements.

Gifts to The Library Foundation support books and programs that engage children all year long, transforming them into skilled, avid readers. 

Diverse books help children see themselv
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Portland, Oregon 97204
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